Recall Alert



Dear Essential Trading Post Customer,

It has been brought to our attention that the Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA) requires certain products containing 5% methyl salicylate, commonly found in Birch and Wintergreen oils, to be packaged with a child-resistant cap. Essential Trading Post has sold Birch and Wintergreenoils packaged without a child-resistant cap; therefore, Essential Trading Post will be participating in a voluntary recall, in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), for Essential Trading Post Birch and Wintergreen oils.

The voluntary recall is only required for our Birch and Wintergreen oils as child-resistant caps are not required for any other oils that Essential Trading Post is currently offering or has previously sold.

If you have any of the above described products which lack a child-resistant cap, please cautiously store the product in a safe location out of reach of children. Without a proper child-resistant cap, there is a risk of poisoning if the contents are swallowed by young children.

To receive a refund, contact: with (Recall Alert) in the subject line to initiate a prepaid return; or

Online at and click on Recall Alert for more information.



Essential Trading Post